Non-invasive, drug-free, non-psychedelic, successful, lasting treatment for PTSD
Healing Lives•Helping Communities
Quresta is an advanced, life-changing treatment for the debilitating conditions caused by any kind of physical, emotional or mental trauma – PTSD. Quresta can bring you back to living your best life, your life before traumatic experiences, the life you deserve, for you and those you care about.

Quresta treatment for PTSD uses an evidence-based method known as the RTM Protocol™. It is a non-invasive, neuro-psychological treatment that changes the position of traumatic memories in the brain, without the use of drugs or psychedelic therapy. The method became fully formed in the aftermath of 9/11, when it was used to treat over 250 Tower Two survivors with severe PTSD symptoms. It was subsequently tested in numerous clinical trials and studies, including at Walter Reed Medical Hospital and MIT (ongoing), in order to standardize it as a medically based, first-line treatment for PTSD. It has been shown to drastically reduce, and in most cases eliminate PTSD symptoms up to 90% of the time – more than any other therapy method currently in use. This effectiveness has been proven in treating PTSD for members of the military, law enforcement and first-responders, as well as average, everyday people suffering from traumatic experiences. It has been recognized by the US Department of Defense as a first-line treatment with the highest success rate, having no side effects and the lowest recidivism, even with extreme cases.
PTSD is a complex and debilitating disorder, negatively impacting multiple areas of life. It is often “unseen” on the outside, but can be as devastating as any physical, life-threatening injury.
How it works
PTSD is, at its core, a memory disorder. Studies show that PTSD-related memories hold on to an imbalance of neurotransmitters that was created as a response to the trauma when it happened. This causes a dysfunction of the neural circuitry, resulting in the behavioral changes typically associated with PTSD symptoms, including: emotional detachment, distorted perception of self and others, loss of interest in life and activities, depression, aggressiveness, sleep disturbance, self-destructive behavior, and re-experiencing through nightmares, flashbacks and intense physical reactions. The Quresta treatment method has been proven effective in treating and eliminating these, most common symptoms, as well as others, unique to each individual.
The Quresta treatment works by controlling the position in the brain’s hierarchy of the causal traumatic memories responsible for PTSD. This is done through a short, clinician-supervised visualization process that retrieves and alters the memories of the event. The process was uniquely developed and tested as part of the RTM Protocol™ method.
Quresta treatments can be effectively carried out either in-person or remotely, by a clinician certified in the RTM Protocol™. Successful, lasting remission is usually accomplished in 3 to 5 one-hour sessions, during which the position of the traumatic memories are re-positioned in the brain’s neural circuitry to a place that no longer evokes the PTSD symptom responses.

PTSD affects not only those experiencing it, but also families, friends, co-workers and the general population as well.

Why it matters
PTSD is most often associated with those in occupations that have a higher risk for developing the condition, namely, the military, law enforcement and first-responders. However, it also affects many in the general population as well. Sources of trauma can be physical or mental, including things such as accidents, physical or sexual assault, abuse from childhood or as an adult, violence, serious health problems, sudden loss, and even intense phobias. It can also come from experiencing or being part of scenes of public violence, and even natural disasters. Trauma does not discriminate when it comes to who can develop PTSD.
The importance of treating PTSD lies in the fact that the destructive effects it has on individual lives can spread to the wider population as well, by negatively affecting relationships, families, friendships, co-workers, businesses and the overall social fabric. Being able to once again fully engage in a positive, productive way with the people and things that are part of one’s life helps not only the PTSD sufferer, but also the community at large.

Non-invasive, drug-free, non-psychedelic, successful, lasting treatment for PTSD
If you or a family member is suffering from PTSD, contact us for help
If you are a therapist interested in using the Quresta RTM Protocol™ method of treatment,
contact us
If you are a private or government healthcare facility or organization and would like more information